Educational Adjustment Plans (EAPs)
All students at Acacia Hill School have an Educational Adjustment Plan, which is negotiated collaboratively with parents / carers / legal guardians, school staff and specialists where appropriate, such as the Autism Spectrum Advisor or allied health practitioners. It is an expectation that the parents / carers of students enrolled at Acacia Hill School will participate in EAP planning, as a partnership between home and school is extremely important for the best outcomes for our students. An EAP usually has three goals which are unique for each student and their needs. An important document used in EAP planning is the Student Needs Profile (SNP).
Abilities Based Learning and Education Support (ABLES)
ABLES is a curriculum assessment and reporting tool which allows teachers to assess the learning readiness of students with disabilities and additional needs, generates reports for individualised planning and tracks student progress over time. ABLES is suitable for students working below Year 1 level. ABLES was developed in Victoria and is part of the Victorian Curriculum map, which aligns with the Australian Curriculum, but gives the scope to map students developmentally rather than against their year level according to their age. This is more suitable for our cohort of students, for whom a developmental approach is necessary to best enable them to progress.
Victorian Curriculum and Australian Curriculum
Students in our satellite classes may be mapped on the Victorian Curriculum or the Australian Curriculum. Students who are undertaking some classes with mainstream peers in their host school are most likely to be mapped on the Australian Curriculum.